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Version: v1.3_alpha

Command-line interface

MACI provides a command-line interface that allows for effective deployment and testing. Applications that build on top of MACI, such as, implement their own web UIs.

Note that all the example commands default to a local Ethereum testnet at http://localhost:8545, and use the Ethereum private key 0xc87509a1c067bbde78beb793e6fa76530b6382a4c0241e5e4a9ec0a0f44dc0d3. Do not send any real funds to the address generated by this key.

For testing purposes, you can run:

# in maci/contracts
pnpm run hardhat

Note that you will need a hardhat.config file in your current directory to be able to run the cli.


createDeploy the contracts-i, --initialVoiceCredits <initialVoiceCredits>: The initial voice credits
-p, --initialVoiceCreditsProxyAddress <initialVoiceCreditsProxyAddress>: The initial voice credits proxy contract address
-g, --signupGatekeeperAddress <signupGatekeeperAddress>: The signup gatekeeper contract address
-ph3, --poseidonT3Address <poseidonT3Address>: The PoseidonT3 contract address
-ph4, --poseidonT4Address <poseidonT4Address>: The PoseidonT4 contract address
-ph5, --poseidonT5Address <poseidonT5Address>: The PoseidonT5 contract address
-ph6, --poseidonT6Address <poseidonT6Address>: The PoseidonT6 contract address
-g, --signupGatekeeperAddress <signupGatekeeperAddress>: The signup gatekeeper contract address
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
-s, --stateTreeDepth <stateTreeDepth>: The state tree depth
-uq, --use-quadratic-voting: Whether to use quadratic voting
checkVerifyingKeysCheck that the verifying keys in the contract match the local ones-uq, --use-quadratic-voting": Whether to use quadratic voting
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
-vk, --vk-contract <vkContract>: The VkRegistry contract address
-s, --state-tree-depth <stateTreeDepth>: The state tree depth
-i, --int-state-tree-depth <intStateTreeDepth>: The intermediate state tree depth
-m, --msg-tree-depth <messageTreeDepth>: The message tree depth
-v, --vote-option-tree-depth <voteOptionTreeDepth>: The vote option tree depth
-b, --msg-batch-depth <messageBatchDepth>: The message batch depth
-p, --process-messages-zkey <processMessagesZkeyPath>: The process messages zkey path (see different options to use specific circuits Trusted setup or Testing)
-t, --tally-votes-zkey <tallyVotesZkeyPath>: The tally votes zkey path (see different options to use specific circuits Trusted setup or Testing)
genMaciPubKeyGenerate a new MACI public key-sk, --privkey <privkey>: The private key
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
genMaciKeyPairGenerate a new MACI key pair-sp, --seed <seed>: seed value for keypair
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
airdropAirdrop topup credits to the coordinator-a, --amount <amount>: The amount of topup
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-o, --poll-id <pollId>: Poll id
-t, --token-address <tokenAddress>: The token address
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
deployVkRegistryDeploy a new verification key registry contract-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
showShow the deployed contract addresses-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
deployPollDeploy a new poll-vk, --vkRegistryAddress <vkRegistryAddress>: The vk registry contract address
-t, --duration <pollDuration>: The poll duration in seconds
-i, --int-state-tree-depth <intStateTreeDepth>: The int state tree depth
-b, --msg-batch-depth <messageTreeSubDepth>: The message tree sub depth
-m, --msg-tree-depth <messageTreeDepth>: The message tree depth
-v, --vote-option-tree-depth <voteOptionTreeDepth>: The vote option tree depth
-pk, --pubkey <coordinatorPubkey>: The coordinator public key
-uq, --use-quadratic-voting": Whether to use quadratic voting
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
setVerifyingKeysSet the verifying keys-s, --state-tree-depth <stateTreeDepth>: The state tree depth
-i, --int-state-tree-depth <intStateTreeDepth>: The intermediate state tree depth
-m, --msg-tree-depth <messageTreeDepth>: The message tree depth
-v, --vote-option-tree-depth <voteOptionTreeDepth>: The vote option tree depth
-b, --msg-batch-depth <messageBatchDepth>: The message batch depth
-pqv, --process-messages-zkey-qv <processMessagesZkeyPathQv>: The process messages qv zkey path (see different options to use specific circuits Trusted setup or Testing)
-tqv, --tally-votes-zkey-qv <tallyVotesZkeyPathQv>: The tally votes qv zkey path (see different options to use specific circuits Trusted setup or Testing)
-pnqv, --process-messages-zkey-non-qv <processMessagesZkeyPathNonQv>: The process messages non-qv zkey path (see different options to use specific circuits Trusted setup or Testing)
-tnqv, --tally-votes-zkey-non-qv <tallyVotesZkeyPathNonQv>: The tally votes qv zkey path (see different options to use specific circuits Trusted setup or Testing)
-uq, --use-quadratic-voting": Whether to use quadratic voting
-k, --vk-registry <vkRegistry>: The vk registry contract address
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
publishPublish a new message to a MACI Poll contract-p, --pubkey <pubkey>: The MACI public key which should replace the user's public key in the state tree
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-sk, --privkey <privkey>: Your serialized MACI private key
-i, --state-index <stateIndex>: The user's state index
-v, --vote-option-index <voteOptionIndex>: The vote option index
-n, --nonce <nonce>: The message nonce
-s, --salt <salt>: The message salt
-o, --poll-id <pollId>: The poll id
-w, --new-vote-weight <newVoteWeight>: The new vote weight
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
mergeMessagesMerge the message accumulator queue-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-o, --poll-id <pollId>: The poll id
-n, --num-queue-ops <numQueueOps>: The number of queue operations
mergeSignupsMerge the signups accumulator queue-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-o, --poll-id <pollId>: The poll id
-n, --num-queue-ops <numQueueOps>: The number of queue operations
timeTravelFast-forward the time (only works for local hardhat testing)-s, --seconds <seconds>: The number of seconds to fast-forward
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
signupSign up to a MACI contract-p, --pubkey <maciPubKey>: The MACI public key
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-s, --sg-data <sgData>: The signup gateway data
-i, --ivcp-data <ivcpData>: The initial voice credit proxy data
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
isRegisteredUserChecks if user is registered with public key-p, --pubkey <maciPubKey>: The MACI public key
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
topupTop up an account with voice credits-a, --amount <amount>: The amount of topup
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-i, --state-index <stateIndex>: State leaf index
-o, --poll-id <pollId>: Poll id
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
fundWalletFund a wallet with Ether-a, --amount <amount>: The amount of Ether
-w, --address <address>: The address to fund
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
verifyVerify the results of a poll on-chain-o, --poll-id <pollId>: The poll id
-t, --tally-file <tallyFile>: The tally file with results, per vote option spent credits, spent voice credits total
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-tc, --tally-contract <tallyContract>: The tally contract address
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
genProofsGenerate the proofs for a poll-sk, --privkey <privkey>: Your serialized MACI private key
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-o, --poll-id <pollId>: The poll id
-t, --tally-file <tallyFile>: The tally file
-r, --rapidsnark <rapidsnark>: The path to the rapidsnark binary
-wp, --process-witnessgen <processWitnessgen>: The path to the process witness generation binary
-pd, --process-witnessdat <processWitnessdat>: The path to the process witness dat file
-wt, --tally-witnessgen <tallyWitnessgen>: The path to the tally witness generation binary
-td, --tally-witnessdat <tallyWitnessdat>: The path to the tally witness dat file
-zp, --process-zkey <processZkey: The path to the process zkey
-zt, --tally-zkey <tallyZkey>: The path to the tally zkey
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-p, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
-f, --output <outputDir>: The output directory for proofs
-tx, --transaction-hash <transactionHash>: Transaction hash of MACI contract creation
-w, --wasm: Whether to use the wasm binaries
-pw, --process-wasm <processWasm>: The path to the process witness generation wasm binary
-tw, --tally-wasm <tallyWasm>: The path to the tally witness generation wasm binary
-st, --state-file <stateFile>: The path to the state file containing the serialized maci state
-sb, --start-block <startBlock>: The block number to start looking for events from
-eb, --end-block <endBlock>: The block number to end looking for events from
-bb, --blocks-per-batch <blockPerBatch>: The number of blocks to process per batch
-uq, --use-quadratic-voting: Whether to process messages and tally votes using quadratic voting or not
proveOnChainProve the results of a poll on chain-o, --poll-id <pollId>: The poll id
-q, --quiet: Whether to print values to the console
-r, --rpc-provider <provider>: The rpc provider URL
-x, --maci-address <maciAddress>: The MACI contract address
-p, --message-processor-address <messageProcessorAddress>: The message processor contract address
-t, --tally-contract <tallyContract>: The tally contract address
-f, --proof-dir <proofDir>: The proof output directory from the genProofs subcommand

Public and private key format

MACI uses private keys in the BabyJub field for operations which occur within zk-SNARKs, such as decrypting messages or signing commands. As MACI is deployed on Ethereum, we seek to avoid confusing BabyJub private keys with Ethereum private keys. To that end, users should pass serialized formats of public and private keys to this CLI. We use maci-domainobj's PrivKey.serialize and PubKey.serialize functions to do so.

Examples of serialized public and private keys:

Public key: macipk.946c756cb8588f7169d37e23a98b92051359d64321cf7372a75757b5e9d5590d
Private key: macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c

### Generate MACI keys

You can generate MACI keys using the following cli utility.

node build/ts/index.js genMaciKeyPair

Example output:

[✓] Public key: macipk.946c756cb8588f7169d37e23a98b92051359d64321cf7372a75757b5e9d5590d
[✓] Private key: macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c

If you already have a MACI private key in serialized form, you can generate its corresponding public key using the following command:

node build/ts/index.js genMaciPubKey -sk macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c

Example output:

[✓] Public key: macipk.946c756cb8588f7169d37e23a98b92051359d64321cf7372a75757b5e9d5590d

Coordinator: Deploy VkRegistry

This command deploys an instance of a VkRegistry contract. Multiple MACI contracts can refer to the same VkRegistry as long as they are all owned (via Ownable.sol) by the same account.

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js deployVkRegistry

Example output:

[✓] VkRegistry deployed at: 0x6b5A4751307F6751E265c194244552A9995B6B3D

Coordinator: Set verifying keys

Note that the filename of the .zkey files must follow this format:


Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js setVerifyingKeys \
-s 10 -i 1 -m 2 -v 2 -b 1 \
-p ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
-t ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \

Example output:

[i] Setting verifying keys...
[i] Transaction hash: 0x6b5b2959ba5161497d5499a0f9d9c69f773cd5f9b82f80a79253797b066863e3
[✓] Verifying keys set successfully

Coordinator: Create MACI instance

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js create -s 10

Example output:

[✓] MACI deployed at:  0xB08CEd0f34940a3E576Cf023b287f9Db2f306a1f

Coordinator: Deploy poll

Example usage:

node ./build/ts/index.js deployPoll \
-pk macipk.946c756cb8588f7169d37e23a98b92051359d64321cf7372a75757b5e9d5590d \
-t 300 -i 1 -m 2 -b 1 -v 2

Example output:

[i] Poll ID: 0
[i] Poll contract: 0xB6389Da0285c7B1FC0ba352F5A1D5fb1A492a786
[i] Message processor contract: 0xE0bF6021e023a197DBb3fABE64efA880E13D3f4b
[i] Tally contract: 0x3f21BC64076e7c9ed8695d053DCCBE6D8d5E6f43
[i] Subsidy contract: 0xb848ef765E289762e9BE66a38006DDc4D23AeF24

User: sign up

Example usage:

node ./build/ts/index.js signup \
-p macipk.182a49caec452e9966f5fef65363c3c795bf8cda482cae8289a4684c0f5bcb7b

Example output:

[i] Transaction hash: 0x4c7c9f65187fcf6e243804b75555bda48cbae4c317bb312f1b9f95ac4b7697b1
[✓] State index: 1

User: publish message

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js publish \
-p macipk.182a49caec452e9966f5fef65363c3c795bf8cda482cae8289a4684c0f5bcb7b \
-sk macisk.569cf25e35654046ecd9f176d9e6e47115d767fabfe0e97a206dd62e7a3a8546 \
-i 1 -v 0 -w 9 -n 1 -o 0

Example output:

[i] Transaction hash: 0xa2ab91c821bf7fa73fedcf19a5371a0f0866ae0747d22f82f1685afca0e5db49
[i] Ephemeral private key: macisk.2631d585e46f059e4909ab35172451542ed7723a1ace120fcf49d68e27f935b0

Coordinator: Time travel (Testing only)

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js timeTravel -s 300

Example output:

[✓] Fast-forwarded 300 seconds

Coordinator: merge state tree

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js mergeSignups -o 0

Example output:

[i] Merging state subroots 1 / 1
[i] Transaction hash: 0xd7e7312f70831ec05bb23f23f506ef37d6ce0c2056c1b72f7bb989653d1c8a42
[✓] Executed mergeMaciStateAqSubRoots(); gas used: 720061
[✓] All state subtrees have been merged.
[i] Merging subroots to a main state root...
[i] Transaction hash: 0xb5e98d328b066d91e1b7aa35775fe624be446b540a00bcb4b27a02477636b569
[✓] Executed mergeStateAq(); gas used: 1004720

Coordinator: merge message tree

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js mergeMessages -o 0

Example output:

[i] Merging message subroots 1 / 1
[✓] Executed mergeMessageAqSubRoots(); gas used: 602448
[i] Transaction hash: 0xdf9d11c6b35fcccff82dafa3aa15f760e3f7694a72b07007fbdb359d44df0bea
[✓] All message subtrees have been merged.
[i] Merging subroots to a main message root...
[✓] Executed mergeMessageAq(); gas used: 173346
[i] Transaction hash: 0x1f18ec08fd14db90a0d1d02d1ed27c0bfd3bc138701e812c4c3382572fc4d151
[✓] The message tree has been merged.

Coordinator: generate Maci state offchain

Example usage to generate the state locally from the smart contracts events:

node build/ts/index.js genLocalState \
--poll-id 0 \
--output localState.json \
--privkey macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c \
--blocks-per-batch 50

Example output:

[i] Fetching logs from 0 till 228 and generating the offline maci state
[✓] The state has been written to localState.json

Coordinator: generate proofs

Example usage:

C++ witness parameters

node build/ts/index.js genProofs -x 0x89962fa216d39fCcaaC11e1e462340d80ab6Cf4D \
-sk macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c \
-o 0 \
-t tally.json \
-f proofs \
-r ~/rapidsnark/build/prover \
-wp ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test_cpp/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test \
-wt ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test_cpp/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test \
-zp ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
-zt ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \

WASM Parameters

node build/ts/index.js genProofs \
-sk macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c \
-o 0 \
-t tally.json \
-f proofs \
-zp ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
-zt ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \
-tw ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test_js/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.wasm \
-pw ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test_js/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.wasm \
-w true \

Non Quadratic Voting

node build/ts/index.js genProofs \
-sk macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c \
-o 0 \
-t tally.json \
-f proofs \
-zp ./zkeys/ProcessMessagesNonQv_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessagesNonQv_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
-zt ./zkeys/TallyVotesNonQv_10-1-2_test/TallyVotesNonQv_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \
-tw ./zkeys/TallyVotesNonQv_10-1-2_test/TallyVotesNonQv_10-1-2_test_js/TallyVotesNonQv_10-1-2_test.wasm \
-pw ./zkeys/ProcessMessagesNonQv_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessagesNonQv_10-2-1-2_test_js/ProcessMessagesNonQv_10-2-1-2_test.wasm \
-w true \
-uq false

Example output:

[i] starting to fetch logs from block 0
[i] Generating proofs of message processing...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[i] gen processMessage proof took 17.322 seconds

[i] Generating proofs of vote tallying...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[✓] The tally commitment is correct
[i] gen tally proof took 4.951 seconds

Coordinator: generate proofs using a local state file

Example usage to generate the proofs locally from the local state file created with genLocalState:

C++ witness parameters

node build/ts/index.js genProofs \
--privkey macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c \
--poll-id 0 \
--rapidsnark ~/rapidsnark/build/prover \
--process-witnessgen ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test_cpp/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test \
--tally-witnessgen ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test_cpp/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test \
--process-zkey /zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-zkey ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-file tally.json \
--output proofs/ \
--state-file localState.json

WASM Params

node build/ts/index.js genProofs \
--privkey macisk.08a06aef74c7f6a6f73704e30677418731bc738500f4e6c63dbfe41af8d6719c \
--poll-id 0 \
--process-zkey ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-zkey ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-file tally.json \
--output proofs/ \
--state-file localState.json \
-tw ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test_js/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.wasm \
-pw ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test_js/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.wasm \
-w true

Example output:

[i] Generating proofs of message processing...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[i] gen processMessage proof took 17.053 seconds

[i] Generating proofs of vote tallying...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[✓] The tally commitment is correct
[i] gen tally proof took 4.746 seconds

Coordinator: prove on chain

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js proveOnChain \
-o 0 \
-f proofs/

Example output:

[i] Submitting proofs of message processing...
[i] Transaction hash: 0xa8acf67d6520ceaf5eef8acbf4cda7f5c2657122e2a72a092b9f4503282d70b9
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[✓] All message processing proofs have been submitted.
[i] Submitting proofs of vote tallying...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[i] Transaction hash: 0x691687ab6fb504919859901f297cdb7d8c4d736756d2d4edf345d721bb82365b
[✓] All vote tallying proofs have been submitted.

Anyone: verify tally

Example usage:

node build/ts/index.js verify \
-o 0 \
-t tally.json

Example output:

[i] on-chain tally commitment: 83601b7979c13506317b58e859950e9e92e1e6d326810d89332cc13909833ec
[✓] The on-chain tally commitment matches.
[i] The on-chain tally matches the off-chain tally.



  1. Alice votes for Party A
  2. Alice changes her key
  3. Eve tries to bribe Alice to change her vote to Party B
  4. Alice submits an invalid vote for Party B
  5. The coordinator processes the votes, computes, and verifies the final tally
  6. The expected result is: Party A has some votes and Party B has 0 votes.

Implication: Alice's invalid vote was not counted, and Eve had no way to tell.

Examples of serialized public and private keys:

Public key: macipk.281830024fb6d21a4c73a89a7139aff61fbbddad731ef2dc2db9516171fd390e
Private key: macisk.bf92af7614b07e2ba19dce65bb7fef2b93d83b84da2cf2e3af690104fbc52511

Public key: macipk.1cac8e4e5b54d7dcce4aa06e71d8b9f324458756e7a9368383d005592719512a
Private key: macisk.63e796e4e5d18a5fcf4ccef1e74e83b807a165d6727bb89201782240458f7420

Coordinator: Deploy VkRegistry

node build/ts/index.js deployVkRegistry


[✓] VkRegistry deployed at: 0x7607Cfe2fA0d62F725537e55d83C693Cc3C76EF2

Coordinator: Set verifying keys

node build/ts/index.js setVerifyingKeys \
--state-tree-depth 10 \
--int-state-tree-depth 1 \
--msg-tree-depth 2 \
--vote-option-tree-depth 2 \
--msg-batch-depth 1 \
--process-messages-zkey ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-votes-zkey ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey


[i] Setting verifying keys...
[i] Transaction hash: 0xbd5d06935537fb59903c27b9bdb19a41d422f75e1dfd6eb61f028bf3a7b82c76
[✓] Verifying keys set successfully

Coordinator: Create MACI instance

node build/ts/index.js create -s 10


[✓] MACI deployed at:  0xC131D3eeD9D6D410A7bfc200d81b9795f1bb5ed6

Coordinator: Deploy poll

node ./build/ts/index.js deployPoll \
-pk macipk.281830024fb6d21a4c73a89a7139aff61fbbddad731ef2dc2db9516171fd390e \
-t 1000 -i 1 -m 2 -b 1 -v 2


[i] Poll ID: 0
[i] Poll contract: 0x2c3Adf2852788662148038511aD80962aaf631D7
[i] Message processor contract: 0xd3C3C6530fE4073292D6EAfdEAdEeAbf1A3DC19B
[i] Tally contract: 0x06c1939F6cBb68D42333F140CAE815cc36D341b0
[i] Subsidy contract: 0xCB74254716c96B07c812c73A5945e68aa1de4569

Alice: sign up

node ./build/ts/index.js signup \
--pubkey macipk.1cac8e4e5b54d7dcce4aa06e71d8b9f324458756e7a9368383d005592719512a


[i] Transaction hash: 0x7ab4c2d23686049432d19bb64c8ee4e8776fff134d971dcf27e1f513b4fdb97f
[✓] State index: 1

Alice: votes for Party A (option index 0)

node build/ts/index.js publish \
--pubkey macipk.1cac8e4e5b54d7dcce4aa06e71d8b9f324458756e7a9368383d005592719512a \
--privkey macisk.63e796e4e5d18a5fcf4ccef1e74e83b807a165d6727bb89201782240458f7420 \
--state-index 1 \
--vote-option-index 0 \
--new-vote-weight 9 \
--nonce 1 \
--poll-id 0


[i] Transaction hash: 0x60936cfb0b25c8618d3cb8d0f5497106d5f6e3776f3212932975442d874eddbd
[i] Ephemeral private key: macisk.103b8c4c98700d06f47522892032fce54bd03cd197cee495ede3802730409910

Alice: submits an invalid vote for Party B (option index 1) with different public key

node build/ts/index.js publish \
--pubkey macipk.1cac8e4e5b54d7dcce4aa06e71d8b9f324458756e7a9368383d005592719512a \
--privkey macisk.63e796e4e5d18a5fcf4ccef1e74e83b807a165d6727bb89201782240458f7420 \
--state-index 1 \
--vote-option-index 1 \
--new-vote-weight 9 \
--nonce 2 \
--poll-id 0


[i] Transaction hash: 0x73f74b13d276cd311ce5421a145debc71e97e48abc8be2f9a0a548b26f7920f9
[i] Ephemeral private key: macisk.1e490d67477b4c5f08806973fca2bea81e723c60deba6bdeacab56f7a4bd867b

Coordinator: Time Travel

node build/ts/index.js timeTravel -s 1000


[✓] Fast-forwarded 1000 seconds

Coordinator: merge state tree

node build/ts/index.js mergeSignups --poll-id 0


[i] Merging state subroots 1 / 1
[i] Transaction hash: 0xd01932e8dfad251f9b0d288290ac17f12bc449ea859a6921f63edf6b4b06f4c9
[✓] Executed mergeMaciStateAqSubRoots(); gas used: 720061
[✓] All state subtrees have been merged.
[i] Merging subroots to a main state root...
[i] Transaction hash: 0x25f60a9b5a24d11b87c41d8a4f681e3fd895b3bdf78ea86755b9800005662ce6
[✓] Executed mergeStateAq(); gas used: 1004720

Coordinator: merge message tree

node build/ts/index.js mergeMessages --poll-id 0


[i] Merging message subroots 1 / 1
[✓] Executed mergeMessageAqSubRoots(); gas used: 600520
[i] Transaction hash: 0xac0e8a01277db1b6282f8fb3763a8a4aeeebb3e12a41dd0dee9fc2804a4c9e81
[✓] All message subtrees have been merged.
[i] Merging subroots to a main message root...
[✓] Executed mergeMessageAq(); gas used: 173346
[i] Transaction hash: 0x472f0fd515c7cd2a02c430189e4ee92a6843bd6b19807484ce454cb7dab0e931
[✓] The message tree has been merged.

Coordinator: generate proofs

node build/ts/index.js genProofs \
--privkey macisk.bf92af7614b07e2ba19dce65bb7fef2b93d83b84da2cf2e3af690104fbc52511 \
--poll-id 0 \
--process-zkey ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-zkey ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.0.zkey \
--tally-file tally.json \
--output proofs/ \
-tw ./zkeys/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test_js/TallyVotes_10-1-2_test.wasm \
-pw ./zkeys/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test_js/ProcessMessages_10-2-1-2_test.wasm \
-w true


[i] Generating proofs of message processing...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[i] gen processMessage proof took 16.644 seconds

[i] Generating proofs of vote tallying...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[✓] The tally commitment is correct
[i] gen tally proof took 4.809 seconds

Coordinator: prove on chain

node build/ts/index.js proveOnChain \
--poll-id 0 \
--proof-dir proofs/


[i] Submitting proofs of message processing...
[i] Transaction hash: 0x9c3280af80de2436f9a886e4cd94218e01fe35ea3d3e671aad97b5aa5d6108ed
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[✓] All message processing proofs have been submitted.
[i] Submitting proofs of vote tallying...
[i] Progress: 1 / 1
[i] Transaction hash: 0x3e82ae3ad04215d4f357455ab5a610eba082796d2abc698aad91b046d16b9350
[✓] All vote tallying proofs have been submitted.

Anyone: verify

node build/ts/index.js verify \
--poll-id 0 \
--tally-file tally.json


[i] on-chain tally commitment: 1ed004ac21a5397a512cbe749e7110934a434837f4818265043fd2e2e9cbec91
[✓] The on-chain tally commitment matches.